Preparing for Long Term Survival

outdoor survival for the long term

Are you ready to take charge and ensure your long-term survival?

In this article, we’ll guide you through the essential steps to prepare for any emergency situation.

From learning about the power of candles and BTUs to discovering alternative fire-starting methods, we’ll equip you with the knowledge you need.

Plus, we’ll delve into the importance of building a Faraday garage and stocking up on the right foods for extended survival.

Get ready to belong to a community of prepared individuals!

All about candles and btus

When preparing for long term survival, understanding the efficiency of candles and their BTUs is essential. You want to belong to a community that values knowledge and practicality, and knowing how to maximize the use of candles can be a valuable skill. Candles may seem like a simple source of light, but they can also provide heat and even cook food in dire situations.

The efficiency of candles is measured in BTUs, or British Thermal Units, which is a unit of energy. The higher the BTU rating, the more heat a candle can produce. For example, a standard candle typically produces around 13-15 BTUs per hour. This may not seem like much, but in a small enclosed space, such as a tent or a room, it can provide a significant amount of warmth.

To make the most of your candles, consider using reflective surfaces to direct the heat towards you. You can use aluminum foil or even a mirror to bounce the heat back towards you, increasing its effectiveness. Additionally, placing the candle in a small, enclosed space can also help trap the heat and make it more efficient.

Emergency lighters for survival

To continue maximizing the use of candles and other alternative light sources, it’s important to also consider the practicality of carrying emergency lighters. These compact and reliable tools can be a valuable addition to your survival kit. Emergency lighters are designed to withstand harsh conditions and provide a consistent flame, making them ideal for lighting candles, starting fires, or igniting other necessary items.

When it comes to emergency lighters, reliability is key. Look for lighters that are windproof, waterproof, and have a durable construction. This will ensure that they can withstand the elements and remain functional when you need them the most. Additionally, consider lighters with a refillable fuel source, as this can save you money in the long run and provide a more sustainable option.

In a survival situation, having an emergency lighter can give you a sense of security and peace of mind. It provides a reliable source of fire, which is essential for cooking, boiling water, or signaling for help. Moreover, having a lighter can also help you feel more connected to a community of survivalists who understand the importance of being prepared.

Starting a fire without a lighter

One effective method for starting a fire without a lighter is by using a magnifying glass. If you find yourself in a situation where you need to start a fire but don’t have access to a lighter, a magnifying glass can be a reliable alternative. All you need is a sunny day and some patience.

First, find a dry and flammable material like dry leaves or twigs. Then, hold the magnifying glass between the sun and the material, focusing the sunlight onto a small spot. Move the magnifying glass around until you see a small dot of light forming on the material. Keep the magnifying glass steady and let the dot of light grow in intensity.

Eventually, the heat from the concentrated sunlight will ignite the material, creating a flame. It’s important to remember that this method requires direct sunlight, so it may not be suitable for cloudy or nighttime conditions. However, if you find yourself without a lighter and under the sun’s rays, using a magnifying glass can be an effective way to start a fire and ensure your survival.

Faraday garage building process

If you’re considering building a Faraday garage, a crucial step is to equip it with the necessary materials for protecting electronics from electromagnetic pulses (EMPs).

A Faraday garage provides a safe space to store your valuable electronics during times of crisis. To ensure the protection of your electronics, start by lining the interior walls of the garage with a conductive material, such as aluminum or copper. This material will create a shield that prevents EMPs from penetrating the garage and damaging your electronics.

Additionally, make sure to insulate the garage with a non-conductive material, such as wood or rubber, to prevent any interference. Install a metal door with proper grounding to complete the shielded enclosure.

It’s also recommended to have a dedicated grounding system, consisting of copper rods buried deep into the ground, to divert any excess electrical energy.

Finally, you can further enhance the protection by using EMP bags or wrapping your electronics in aluminum foil before placing them in the garage.

What foods to store for long term survival

Ensure your long term survival by storing a variety of essential foods. When preparing for long term survival, it’s crucial to have a well-stocked supply of food that can sustain you and your loved ones. In times of crisis or uncertainty, having access to nourishing meals can provide comfort and a sense of security. To meet your nutritional needs, consider storing foods that are high in calories, protein, and essential nutrients.

Start by stocking up on non-perishable items such as canned foods, dried fruits, and vegetables, as well as rice, pasta, and beans. These items have a long shelf life and can provide sustenance for an extended period. Don’t forget to include a variety of protein sources like canned meats, peanut butter, and nuts.

Additionally, it’s essential to include foods that provide a sense of familiarity and comfort during challenging times. Consider storing items like chocolate, coffee, and your favorite snacks. These small indulgences can boost morale and provide a sense of normalcy amidst chaos.

Remember to rotate your stock regularly to ensure freshness and avoid waste. Stay organized by labeling and dating your stored items. Having a well-organized food storage system will make it easier to access and use your supplies efficiently.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do I Choose the Right Type of Candle for Long Term Survival?

To choose the right type of candle for long term survival, consider a few things.

Look for candles made from high-quality materials, like beeswax or soy. These options burn longer and produce less soot.

Also, check for candles that have multiple wicks, as they provide brighter light.

Lastly, opt for candles in sturdy containers to prevent accidents.

Can Emergency Lighters Be Used in Any Kind of Weather Conditions?

Yes, emergency lighters can be used in any kind of weather conditions. They’re designed to withstand harsh environments and continue to function reliably.

Whether it’s rain, snow, or strong winds, you can count on your emergency lighter to provide you with a dependable source of fire.

What Are Some Alternative Methods to Start a Fire Without a Lighter?

If you find yourself without a lighter, there are alternative methods to start a fire.

One option is using a fire starter kit, which includes a fire steel and striker.

You can also use a magnifying glass to focus sunlight onto dry tinder.

Another method is to create a friction fire by rubbing two sticks together.

Is Building a Faraday Garage a Complex Process That Requires Professional Help?

Building a Faraday garage doesn’t have to be complex or require professional help. With the right tools and some guidance, you can do it yourself. It involves constructing a structure that blocks electromagnetic waves, which can protect your electronics from harmful effects.

While it may require some research and planning, many people have successfully built their own Faraday garages. So, with a little effort and determination, you can create a safe space for your valuable electronics.

Besides Non-Perishable Foods, What Other Types of Food Should Be Stored for Long Term Survival?

When preparing for long term survival, it’s important to consider storing more than just non-perishable foods.

Think about including foods that have a long shelf life, like canned goods, dehydrated fruits and vegetables, and freeze-dried meals.

Don’t forget to stock up on items like rice, pasta, and beans, as they can provide sustenance for extended periods.

It’s also wise to have a variety of spices and condiments to add flavor to your meals and keep morale high.


In conclusion, preparing for long term survival requires careful planning and the right tools. Stocking up on candles and emergency lighters can provide essential light sources during an emergency.

Knowing how to start a fire without a lighter is also crucial.

Additionally, building a Faraday garage can protect important electrical equipment.

Lastly, storing the right foods can ensure sustenance during extended periods of survival.

By taking these steps, you can increase your chances of successfully enduring challenging situations.